Watch folders allow you to automatically add files to your library directly from a folder in local storage.

To create a Watch Folder you will need to access the Papers Settings window. Just click on the Papers menu tab (or icon for Windows). That should bring up the following menu. Choose "Folders" on the left side to bring up the correct panel.

Folders in Papers Settings Menu

When you click Add watch folder you will have the option to select which library (Personal or Shared) to send the files to and the path of the specific folder, which is where the files will be obtained from.

setting up watch folder in Papers

After you select save, any PDFs in that Watch Folder will automatically upload into Papers. Additionally, any new articles you add to that folder will also auto-import.

Watch Folders with File Management

If you have File Management set up for your library (meaning you have your articles stored directly on your computer for offline access), you should check how your files are stored. 

With File Management, you have the option to Copy Files or Move Files. If you selected Copy Files when setting up File Management, your Watch Folder's articles will have a copy moved into your File Management folder.

If you selected the Move Files option, your Watch Folder files will be moved into your File Management folder and permanently removed from the Watch Folder.

Deleting Watch Folders

To delete a Watch Folder press the Remove from watch list link. Any new files you add to the folder will no longer auto-import into the app.

Deleting Watch Folder in ReadCube Papers

You can repeat this step to add different folders to each library or if you have a specific folder that contains specific articles. As always if you have any questions give our support line an email.