ReadCube Paper's Word-compatible citation tool makes writing your next paper a breeze. SmartCite is fast, easy-to-use, supports over 9000+ styles, and most importantly, makes it easy to collaborate on documents with colleagues. SmartCite offers dedicated add-ins for both Word and Google Docs and citekey support for a broad range of other writing tools such as Pages, LibreOffice, Manuscripts App, and more.

What's the difference?

SmartCite Add-ins are built into the Word and Google Docs interface to allow you to browse and search your library to identify items to add into your document. You will be inserting formatted references into your document as you go. 

SmartCite for Citekeys allows you to insert unique identifiers for items in your library and add them as plain text into this document. This will work for any word processor that can export to .docx. After you finish your document, you will upload the .docx file into our desktop app, choose a style, and we will format a new copy of the document for you in seconds.

You can use SmartCite for Citekeys across a variety of tool: