When it comes to using the web app's PDF reader, it appears this is a bug with the computer's graphics card driver and Google Chrome's implementation of hardware acceleration when rendering 2D canvases.  In some cases, users have reported updating their graphics card driver to the latest version has resolved the issue.  

We are working on a more permanent solution to this issue but in the meantime as a workaround for the Papers web app, please do this:

1. In Google Chrome, enter chrome://flags in the address bar and press enter 

2. In the search bar, type "accelerated 2d canvas"

3. Change the setting from "Enabled" to "Disabled"

4. Click "relaunch" to relaunch Chrome and you should be all set

In case you are experiencing this issue in the Papers desktop application, please do the following:

1. Launch the desktop app and head to Papers Settings, the General tab

2. Check the "Disable hardware acceleration" option:

3.  Click on save and allow the application to restart, after the issue should be resolved

In case the issue persists, please reach out to us at Papers Support.