Citing with Papers

Updating and Editing Citations in SmartCite
As you start working with SmartCite to create the next groundbreaking paper, you'll likely need to go back and make some changes.  To fully remove a ci...
Thu, 1 Dec, 2022 at 3:37 PM
Editing/Updating/Deleting Your SmartCite Bibliography
There are several reasons why your SmartCite bibliography would need to be updated, such as changing your citation style or adding or removing citations fro...
Mon, 5 Dec, 2022 at 12:03 AM
Converting SmartCite Citations into EndNote Friendly Format
If you are working on a document and need to share it with a colleague who uses EndNote, while you can have your collaborator use a trial license to SmartCi...
Mon, 21 Nov, 2022 at 9:49 AM
Adding Active in-text citations in SmartCite to your own Library
ReadCube Papers offers many powerful collaboration options, including the option to import references to your library directly from a SmartCite formatted do...
Sun, 4 Dec, 2022 at 8:37 PM
Working with Multiple Section Bibliographies in SmartCite
SmartCite supports multiple section bibliographies starting with version 2.5.20 (November 2022). To enable this feature, choose Options > Turn on documen...
Mon, 28 Nov, 2022 at 9:48 AM
Importing References From Endnote Formatted Documents
One of the many powerful tools available through ReadCube Papers, is the ability for our "cite as you write" tool  - SmartCite - to convert citati...
Sun, 4 Dec, 2022 at 8:39 PM
Generating a Bibliography with SmartCite
By default, SmartCite will automatically generate a bibliography as you insert citations; the moment you add a SmartCite citation to your document, a biblio...
Thu, 1 Dec, 2022 at 3:39 PM
How to Export References into Microsoft Office
If you don't have Smartcite installed with Microsoft Word, you can still use the quick format option to copy individual formatted references to your cli...
Mon, 5 Dec, 2022 at 11:59 PM
Update/Change Citation Style in Smartcite
Our SmartCite citation tool not only offers our users access to over 10,000 different citation styles but makes switching between them easy. The default sel...
Tue, 6 Dec, 2022 at 12:16 AM