It can be hard sometimes to keep track of articles that are more impactful than others. Based on community feedback we are happy to introduce Ratings to articles within your ReadCube Papers library.

There are two ways to give an article a rating (between 1 and 5) depending on which Viewer you are in.

List View

1. In the List view you can scroll over to the right-hand side and blank stars will appear, simply click which rating you want to give that article.

Screenshot showing where Ratings are in the List View in ReadCube Papers

2. In the Details page of the article, ratings will be listed under the authors' name. Again, just click which star rating you want.

Screenshot showing where the ratings are located on the article info panel in ReadCube Papers

Table View

In the new Table View, Ratings will always be located under the Ratings column (however depending on how you organize your columns depends where they are located in your library - not all two libraries are the same!)

1. Simply click the rating you want to give the article in the column.

Screenshot showing where Ratings are in the Table View in ReadCube Papers

2. In the Details page of the article, ratings will be listed under the authors name. Again, just click which star rating you want.

Screenshot showing where the ratings are located on the article info panel in ReadCube Papers

Filter with Ratings

Within Table View you can Filter your ReadCube Papers library by Ratings. Under the Filter icon select Ratings and then choose Ascending or Descending.

Screenshot showing how to filter your library by ratings in ReadCube Papers